Meet Plume!

For a while now you’ve been reading our blogs and seeing our social media posts about creative writing; maybe you even took our marketing survey, but who or what exactly is Plume, anyway?

Plume: A Writer’s Companion delivers encouragement, inspiration, and creativity-boosting products from New Mexico to women writers all over the country.

Why women writers?*

It turns out, women are the majority of writers, but they often lack the support, encouragement, and publication opportunities of their male counterparts. Beyond selling products, we want to create a community around our business, one that supports women who write. We plan to build this writing community via our newsletter, blog, social media accounts, and a few other exciting ventures down the road. Eventually, we also plan to offer publication opportunities to our subscribers.

*Men and non-binary folks are welcome to subscribe and engage with Plume, too!

In May we will be launching our subscription box service, which will offer basic and premium level box options. We will also offer themed gift boxes for events like graduation, Mother’s Day, birthdays, and more!

So who is behind Plume?

We are Melanie Unruh Rodriguez and Jennifer Simpson, two creative writers who moved to New Mexico to get their MFA degrees, and felt inspired to stay. We want to create a supportive, engaged community of writers and to share a bit of the New Mexico magic we have come to know and love since moving here almost ten years ago.

Right now we are participating in a business plan competition at our alma mater, UNM, vying for start-up funds to help launch Plume. We plan to launch regardless of whether or not we win, but some extra start-up funds could sure help us hit the ground running! Competition day is one month from today, so we’ll keep you posted as we continue prepping for it.

We’ll be setting up a launch page shortly, but in the meantime, you can sign up for our (very occasional) email newsletter, continue to read this blog, and follow us on social media: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

We’re so excited to share this venture with you. More sneak peeks coming soon!



SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER:  Newsletter subscribers will receive a monthly digital delivery of curated news, articles about writing, tips for tending to your creativity, and more.  You will be the first to know when Plume is available for purchase, and when we start shipping (quantities may be limited). You’ll get behind-the-scenes peeks as we get this business off the ground!



If you want to help us get this Plume off the ground, contribute to our GoFundMe.  With just a $10 donation you can get the first edition delivered to your mailbox!