Self-Care & Creativity

Just what is self-care, anyway?

We hear this expression all the time from our family, friends, the internet, TV shows, you name it: practice self care. But everyone’s idea of what this looks like is a little bit different. Is it a monthly pedicure? A home-cooked meal made from your favorite fresh ingredients? Going for a run?

And why, after all, do we need to practice self-care in the first place? Aren’t we all attuned to our own needs, mental, physical, spiritual or otherwise? Do we not tend to ourselves every day? Yes and no. We feed and groom and entertain ourselves each day (usually?), but because we all lead such busy lives that pull us in so many directions, it’s easy to lose track of our needs and to lack the opportunities to slow down and do little things just for ourselves.

There are many definitions of self-care out in the world, but my favorite I’ve come across so far comes from  Fort Garry Women’s Resource Center in Winnipeg, “Self care is care provided ‘for you, by you.’ It’s about identifying your own needs and taking steps to meet them. It is taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you. Self care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others.”

It sounds like the Canadians are onto something, right?

Why Practice Self-Care?

You wake up and check your phone. The news is depressing, and you have texts from four people, five personal emails, twenty work emails, and three podcasts to listen to (and this is all assuming you haven’t even peeked in on your seven social media accounts yet. Did I just see a video of a pig eating sushi?!). The cats need to be fed. The dog needs to be fed and walked. Your kid has very specific, conflicting demands about what he wants for breakfast (“Spider-man waffles!” Mac and cheese!” “No, regular waffles that Spider-man would eat!”). The car needs an oil change. You have to leave early for work to print those hand-outs before the meeting. You get an automated reminder call that you have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow you forgot about. Where’s the Taekwondo belt? You were too tired to pack yourself a lunch the night before, so you throw a granola bar, banana, and some mystery leftovers in a bag and hope for the best as you pack everyone and everything in the car and peel out of the driveway.

Sound familiar?

Even if the specifics are a little different, we’ve all been there. How do we get through the calamity of our daily routines without losing our minds and ourselves in the process? Enter self-care. You’re probably thinking I don’t have time/energy/money for anything like that! Quite possibly (through no fault of your own), you don’t. But it’s amazing what even a few stolen minutes can do to boost your morale and self-worth.

Venturing into Self-Care

We aren’t re-inventing the wheel here, and likely you already do some of these things. Here are a few suggestions for small ways to nurture yourself:

-Try a meditation book or app

-Cuddle with a pet

-Listen to your favorite song or album

Bake something unique

-Dedicate 10 minutes a day to a creative pursuit you enjoy

-Try out a new exercise class

-Take a bubble bath with a glass of wine

-Start that book you’ve been meaning to read

-Go to an exciting live event like a play or roller derby

Really, the possibilities, big and small, are limitless! Here at Plume, a big piece of our mission is to help women engage in self-care in order to nurture their creativity. Part of what we offer is Self-Care for your Creative Soul™, and we engage with our followers and subscribers in this way by offering both products and information that help you to slow down, take a breath or two, and remember that the creative work you’re meant to do is important for your own well-being.

What are some ways that you practice self-care? Let us know in the comments and/or on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. We’d love to hear from you!