An Interview with Jill Badonsky

I (Jennifer) am thrilled to share Jill Badonsky. Before I really knew I was a writer, I was working as the executive director at the now defunct 101 artists’ colony in Encinitas, California, a coop of sorts for artists. Jill taught workshops there. In addition to the the Modern Day Muse class (before she published her book), I signed up for her six-week Performance Writing course, which culminated in a performance (I performed a poem called “Luna Sea” and even dressed as a moonbeam. I can tell you this now only because there are no photos to prove or disprove this statement). One important lesson I got from Jill: it’s okay to have fun as an artist; you can be silly. I’m still working on this perpetual challenge–a military family upbringing, the fact that my mother died when I was 13, and heck, I’m a Virgo.

I model my drop-in writing sessions after the ones she facilitated at the bookstore in Del Mar, Calif. and I regularly turn to her Instagram feed for a smile. Her illustrations are not only beautiful, but fun–very refreshing in this age of pending doom, uproar, and chaos. And her cats are adorable!

I still look to Jill for inspiration and we here at Plume hope you will too! She’s magical.

Plume: When did you know you were a writer?

Jill Badonsky: I knew I was a writer when in high school, it gave me great pleasure to amuse my friends with elaborately written and illustrated notes. To this day, almost everything seems like a waste of time except writing, helping people, or watching a Broadway musical. 

P: Where do you get your ideas?

JB: Does anyone know where they get their ideas? I just pay attention to what stirs my compulsion to get something down on the page. One sentence or word combination that captures my creative attention can inspire me to sit down and explore. I think I am driven mostly by having fun and inspiration, and when the two conspire with each other, I’m in my element. 

P: Where do you write?

JB: In my pillow fort…well, on a couch that feels like a pillow fort. When I get distracted by all the things that demand attention in my house or seduce me with diversion, I go to a local cafe. Sometimes I book a little getaway specifically for writing and walking.

P: Do you have any writing rituals?

JB: The administration of caffeine, a walk, meditation, or the combination of all three seem to be good routines for the summoning of my Muse.

P: How supportive is your local community for writers?

I’m very lucky that San Diego is extremely supportive of writers with classes, meet-ups, open mics, and conferences. I tend to keep to myself, however, reading occasionally at Amy Wallen’s Dime Stories and a slew of poetry open mics.

P: What are some of your self-care practices?

JB: I take care of myself through daily exercise, meditation, good eating, lots of laughing, great friends, Broadway musicals, and a curious preoccupation with the intersection of creativity and mindfulness.

P: What is your favorite book about writing?

JB: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott 

P: What are you currently working on?

JB: I am working on writing and illustrating my fourth book called Finding Uber Bliss: A Wildly Creative Journey to the Present Moment, which is about the above mentioned creativity-meets-mindfulness obsession, as well as columns for my bi-monthly creativity newsletter which has a Dear Muse Column. I’m also gearing up to put together a podcast of Guided Daydreams (little meditations) for creative people.

Sign up for Plume for November and you’ll receive a letter of encouragement from Jill, as well as some of her creative work!

Jill Badonsky, M.Ed, is an internationally recognized workshop leader, award-winning inspirational humorist, certified yoga teacher, and, for the last nine years, has been known for her offbeat creative prompts on Facebook. She is creator of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching Certification training and has certified hundreds of creativity coaches and facilitators since 2004. 

Jill is a multimedia artist, playwright, poet, and author/illustrator of three inspirational books about creativity including The Muse is In: An Owner’s Manual to Your Creativity,The Nine Modern Day Muses (and a Bodyguard): 10 Guides to Creative Inspirationand the award-winning The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder.

She runs bi-annual creativity retreats in New Mexico, and is taking writers and beginning artists to the French Riviera in 2020.Jill lives in San Diego with a two cats and a bougainvillea.