Plume’s AWP Survival Guide

We’re deep into winter, and The Association of Writing Programs Conference, or AWP, is upon us again! This literary behemoth, which has grown exponentially in attendance and scope over the years, can be daunting, both for vets and newbies alike. How do you get the most bookish bang for your buck at an event that spans four days and attracts some 12,000 like-minded individuals? We here at Plume have a few tips we’d like to share.

You can’t be everywhere at once.

Your most anticipated events are scheduled at the same time because…of course they are. You can’t simultaneously listen to your favorite poet talk about writing in an era of reduced arts funding and take in a panel about avoiding cultural appropriation when writing characters unlike yourself. Pick one of the two, sit in the back, and unless it is everything you dreamed it would be, feel free to (quietly) slip out and (discreetly) sneak into the other room.

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