Plume at The 2020 Women’s March

This past weekend, Plume made its second annual appearance at the Albuquerque Women’s March. There was a great turnout this year, and we were delighted to see so many women out supporting other women and championing women’s issues. The weather was better than in years past (less wind, no snow!), and, as usual, the signs were fire.

We got to talk with so many local writers and activists–even more this year because we got a much better table spot closer to the stage. Hearing speeches by Representative Deb Haaland and First Lady of Albuquerque, Elizabeth J. Kistin Keller, were highlights, for sure. I have to admit, though, we had so many engaging table visitors, we didn’t get to hear as many speeches this year (ah, the trade-off!).

Our table theme this year was Women’s Words Matter. To that end, we asked people who stopped by to tell us in their own words why they believed women’s words matter. Here are some of the thoughtful responses we got:

“Women think before speaking; think before acting; think, period!”

“Can the voice of more than half the population not matter?”

“Women have the words and voice to change society. They’ve been listening. They know all.”

“Every voice deserves a mic. We are not free until we’re all free.”

You all are so inspiring, and the main reason why we do what we do here at Plume! Continuing with our busy, exciting year ahead, next month on February 15th we’re hosting a release party for our first anthology at Bookworks here in Albuquerque, & in March we’ll be at the AWP Conference in San Antonio. We hope to see some of you at these events!

Thank you for supporting Plume in 2020! We’re so honored to have you as part of our community. Don’t forget to follow us on our socials:  TwitterInstagram, and/or Facebook. You can also join Plume’s email newsletter and become a monthly Petite or Plus subscriber. We’ve got some great featured women writers coming your way this year!