Supporting Women

Introducing Cushy

There are many strong, creative, empowered women out there. I don’t know about you, but I think the more we support and encourage one another, the more women tend to thrive. With that in mind, we here at Plume would like to take a moment to introduce you to another female-helmed business that we have had the pleasure of interacting with. Cushy started out as a personal blog, but now has grown into “…a vibrant digital community producing unique content through web, print, and audio platforms…” It’s by women and for women, and we are so here for it.

The online content is diverse, with posts ranging from “Chocolate Therapy: A How-To Guide” to “How to Make The Easiest, Most Relaxing Bath Salts with Essential Oils” (and you know how we here at Plume feel about self-care!) to “Forgiving the Unwell Mother.”   In other words, Cushy’s body of work, like all of us, has layers.

What They’re Up to

Recently, Cushy launched an online store. At the moment, they have stickers for sale, but soon will have many other goodies, including hand-knitted writing kerchiefs (Something I only just now realized I need in my life!). The Cushy gals also put on their first annual retreat this year, which, honestly, looks like it was amazing and inspiring. As if Cushy wasn’t multi-faceted enough, these entrepreneurs are also hard at work getting ready to put out a print journal this fall (sticker sales are going towards this endeavor). I’m in awe of what a supportive, inclusive community this group of women has built.

We’re already in talks with the Cushy team to collaborate and join the powers of our two women-centered businesses. Be on the lookout for more info, and keep Cushy on your radar, as these are rad women making a name for themselves.

Pink Eleanor Roosevelt postcard with black glasses, orange pen, and floral card lying on it

In the meantime, you can check out this interview that Cushy’s Danielle Adams did of Jennifer and myself, about Plume, our writing, self-care, and so much more!

While you’re here, today–8/9/18– is the very last day of our Kickstarter, and we’d love for you to check it out and possibly donate (or just share with your friends!). Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, and follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook.