NaNo check in

Tidy wooden desk with a large black and white sign that reads, "GET SHIT DONE."

If you’re taking a break from NaNoWriMo to read this, give yourself a hug (or a cocktail, caffeinated drink, pedicure–whatever is your favorite way to pamper yourself)! Writing an entire novel in 30 days is no joke. I don’t think most people enter into this challenge lightly, and I personally did it years ago, so … Read more

Revision, or How Do I Love Thee?

White table with pink roses and several stacked notebooks, the open one reading, "Revision time!"

Revising, Please! I am one of those people who enjoys revising more than the initial writing of the thing. Maybe a blinking cursor on blank page fills you with excitement and possibility, but beginnings tend to fill me with dread. Give me a mangy, long, stumbling piece of writing and I will lovingly tend to … Read more