Dog Days of Submissions

Hello, Plumesters! We hope you’ve been having a fun, productive summer. It’s already back to school time here in The Land of Enchantment, if you can believe it. One nice thing about school starting up again is that because so many literary magazines are connected to colleges and universities, we’re now about to enter look-at-all-the-open-places-to-submit season! Here’s our bi-monthly round-up of some great places that are open and waiting for your words.

Black Warrior Review

“Send us your most outlandish fabulations, your warped domestic idylls, your menacing pastry and inside-out narration. We value risks, surprises, sentences that bioluminesce, and voices that haunt us long after the story is done.”

Seeking: creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry

Submission period: December 1 – March 1 and June 1 – September 1. 


Phoebe prides itself on supporting up-and-coming writers, whose style, form, voice, and subject matter demonstrate a vigorous appeal to the senses, intellect, and emotions of our readers. “We choose our writers because we believe their work succeeds at its goals, whether its goals are to uphold or challenge literary tradition.”

Seeking: creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry

Submission period: late summer to early fall for the print issue and from mid-winter to early spring for the online issue

Zizzle Literary

Zizzle publishes literary flash fiction that both grownups and kids will enjoy. We produce three hardcover issues a year and also professional audio editions.”

Seeking: fiction, flash fiction

Submission period: year-round

Swamp Ape Review

“The Swamp Ape is a legend that reflects Florida—its mythology, its weirdness—as well as the human desire to create a narrative around that which we can’t explain.”

Seeking: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art, and “swamp” (“our fifth category for works that defy form to the extent that the piece’s creator might be unsure of where it belongs.”)

Submission period: year-round

Minerva Rising Literary Journal

“Minerva Rising Press publishes thought-provoking and insightful fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry written by women. We are dedicated to building a supportive community where shared stories nurture a collective creativity among all women.”

Seeking: fiction, nonfiction, poetry, photography, cross-genre

Submission period: Sept 1st-November 30th (for upcoming theme: Relationships, Sexuality, & Desire)

We hope this small list gives you some new ideas for places to submit. If you have a lit mag you want to promote, either because it’s your fave or you happen to work on it (or, you know, both!), email at and we’ll try to give it a shout next time.

2 thoughts on “Dog Days of Submissions”

  1. Thanks, Melanie. I appreciate the resources, the time it took to gather the information, and the subtle encouragement it provides to share our work with more people. Thanks again for Plume and all you do.

    • You’re welcome! We appreciate you & are happy you’re part of this community. I hope people find these resources helpful. ??

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